Friendship Profiles offered by the School of Metaphysics offer a unique intuitive description of the individual's perspective on relationships. Exploring the dynamics that cause us to be drawn to some people, while shying away from others, brings light to every encounter. The Friendship Profile helps you understand your need for friends and how you can better fulfill that desire.


"....This is intrinsically linked to this one’s concept of comfort. This one expects that friendship will bring a sense of comfort, not only to her self but to the other. We see that this is the heart of how this one views connection and friendship. We see as a result there have been many experiences of conflict, for we see that it is in resolve of conflict that this one experiences the greatest comfort. We see that there is a tendency therefore for this one to be antagonistic to those with whom this one experiences the greatest need for friendship. We see that it has brought this one a sense of stimulus which has been a source of great enlightenment for her. We see that it is also the basis for this one being relatively distant in many associations. We see that this one has many associations with many people but the true sense of friendship that this on believes exist this one saves for very few people. We see this moves this one beyond the element of comfort and into a more transcendent area of peace.

We see that this is the inner need within this one and we see that this one often becomes trapped in the outer thinking of the desire for comfort. Would suggest to this one that the need to stretch and to begin to cause there to be a heightened sense of friendship is ever present within this one, this one need only respond to it. It would be of benefit for this one to seek it, to court it through meditation and through consciously visualizing connections that are of this calibre of peace. To visualize in detail, which this one is capable of doing, the interactions with others in a much more integrated sense. There is a sense of connectedness this one has with all other people and it does drive this one yet we see that many times this one leaves the self behind and this one needs to bring the self forward to cause the self to be the motivating force in the connection rather that their being some force unknown to her or working of its own that this one is merely following or being led by. This is all.

You will also relate suggestions for heightening this one’s experience in giving and receiving.

There is a great sense of joy that this one experiences in giving and we see that their could be some development of an equal sense of joy in receiving. We see that this is not to say that this one does not enjoy receiving but we see that there is not the same kind of experience where once there is the motion within the self, there will be and this is something this one could attain toward. We see that there is a heightened sense of giving when this one kind find the sense of peace and move from that point. It is a self possession and a self centeredness that this one is seeking that will give this one the freedom to give in much more expanded ways. We see that there are certain patterns of giving that have worked very well for this one, to the point of this one even seeing them at times as techniques or manners of some sort which in reality have become limitations to her. This one is capable of giving on another level with awareness. In order to achieve this there would need to be the expansion of the thinking in the ways that has been described particularly in the sacrificing of the comfort whether conscious or unconscious and the beginning to embrace in awake fashion the desire for peace. It would help for this one to realize that peace is not stagnant, it is not a stationary condition, it is a condition of constant motion that does cause the interconnectedness that this one believes very much in. Would suggest that this one begin to recognize the peace that can come from her rather her being a tool for it. This is all.

Very well, relax." 21200BCG3


This one experiences friendship through the act of bringing together people and elements which this one can see in agreement. We see that in many ways it is this one’s consciousness of agreement or commonality of thinking that is the crucible of this one’s sense of friendship. We see that there is a keenness within this one’s perception of being able to evaluate sometimes in unconscious fashion the thinking of people. There is the capacity for the bringing together or the matching of these individuals according to compatibility. We see that this is an art that has been earned through many existences and it is an understanding that this one does possess that filters through in this one’s dealings with other people. We see that it has made this one successful in many areas of the life and we see that it also makes this one very admired and loved by many people. We see that it has been the essence of this one’s capacity to accomplish goals and to see the manifestation or fruition of many of them. There is a keenness to this one’s capacity to bring agreement sometimes in the form of mediation but more often in the form of responding to what this one sees as a way for people to achieve what they desire. This does connect this one with many other people some of whom this one has not even met. There is in some way in this one a sense of connectedness which is a very much a part of his sense of faith. This is all.

You will also relate suggestions for heightening this one’s experience in giving and receiving.

As has been spoken, we see that some of what this one is capable of and what this one does produce is in an unconscious fashion. To the degree that this is true there is an element of magic or chance that this one is willing to accept into the life that could be transformed by this one becoming more aware of his own influence with others. It would be of help to this one to become more conscious of the way in which this one does evaluate people upon meeting them for we see that it is a natural phenomenon for this one that he does take for granted. There is a kind of keen insight that is not only born from reasoning and through obvious physical clues, but it is born from intuitive grasp of people that does allow this one to many times access them in an intuitive way which does immediately connect this one to them. To become more aware of this process within the Self would be most helpful in this one being able to deepen the sense of connection and the sense of friendship that this one does have. We see that this one consciously tends to limit the friends to those whom this one knows rather than to realize the extent of this one’s capacity for connection goes far beyond those whom this one is familiar with. The expansion of this one’s thinking that would be part of this one moving in this direction would be most helpful in this one’s capacity to move from faith into a sense of knowing of this one’s capacities and this one’s interconnectedness with not only people and their ideas but with all of life and creation. This is all.

Very well, relax. 21200BGC1

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