IASD 2011 Conference SOM Presentations

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the International Association for the Study of Dreams

Other papers being presented at the Rolduc Conference

Teens dreams…….The Dreams of our Future
by Dr. Sheila Benjamin

There is a great Sphinx riddle: “What creature walks on all fours in the morning, two legs during the day, and three legs in the evening?” The answer is human man. As a human species there are many universal experiences that we have as we move through the stages of growth. One of these is our ability to experience in the inner chambers of our mind. We often call this journey dreaming.

The four stages of growth are infancy, adolescence, adulthood, and old age wisdom. In the stage of infancy, we are open to receive from all of our senses. The second stage of adolescence is the stage of experimentation. The third stage is adulthood, where we produce more than we consume, and the fourth stage is wisdom, where we pass on our teachings to those that will become teachers in the future.

In this paper on dreams the focus will be on the adolescent stage of growth. We will explore the similarities that all teenagers have as hormonal changes take place within the body and the brain. We will also relate this to the awakening of the Kundalini energy that occurs during this developmental stage. This energy is known as the creative energy, the healing energy, as well as the sexual energy.

We will be researching and discovering the symbols that relate to the awakening of this ancient energy, known in the east as Kundalini. We will look at the messages within the dreams and discover how they may be related to the dreamer formulating an identity for the self, knowing that this stage of growth relates strongly to the question, “Who am I?”

We will also be looking at how environmental, cultural, and emotional stimulation play a significant role in what the individual dreams. An example of this is that one teen, who has been raised in a spiritual community and exposed to a variety of spiritual teachings, may dream of receiving teaching from the Dalai Lama.

Another adolescent who spends much of his time playing computer games and watching violence on television may have violent dreams or even nightmares.

I have discovered the brilliance within the minds of these youth and have gained a great deal of respect for them. I have developed a curiosity as to what makes them tick. My research will involve lectures to a variety of teen groups and email correspondence with teens around the globe about their dreams. I hope this exchange will stimulate them to think deeply, and to become intrigued by the messages coming from their souls in their dreams.

Summary: The hope for our future is in the minds of our youth. It makes sense for us to take the time to find out what they think and how the stimulation from their environment impacts their future, the future of the planet, and its consciousness.

1) Are there similarities in the dream state in teens around the world during the stage of adolescence?
2) Can studying dreams improve the depth of their thinking?
3) Can listening to these messages from their souls change their interests and build self-esteem and self-confidence?

Dr. Sheila Benjamin Bio:
Bachelor of Science in Recreation with a specialty in Therapeutic Recreation, University of Southern Illinois

Teacher of adult education since 1979, psi counselor, ordained minister in the Interfaith Church of Metaphysics, public speaker, author, certified recreational therapist

Dr. Benjamin has studied dream interpretation since 1978 and has used this media to aid others in counseling, in her ministry, and in her professional work. She has also lectured to a variety of groups and individuals.

Dr. Benjamin has written essays which were published in the following books:
“Interpreting Dreams for Self Discovery”
“Total Recall”
“How to Raise an Indigo Child”

Dr. Benjamin has done media interviews since 1979 on radio and television around the world and has interpreted dreams and answered questions from the listening audience.

Dr. Benjamin has been a featured speaker for many professional groups, corporations, and educational institutions. She has also presented programs for a variety of health professionals. Some of her more recent presentations have been made to the Blue Spring High School in Blue Spring, Missouri; Mercy Hospital in Des Moines, Iowa; Blue Cross/Blue Shield Insurance in Des Moines, Iowa; Johnston County Community College in Johnston, Missouri; Ozark Research Association in Fayetteville, Arkansas; Association of Therapeutic Recreational Specialists; and to the International Association of the Study of Dreams.

Dr. Benjamin has for the past two years spent a great deal of time working with children who have been diagnosed with autism.


Are there universal dream symbols that appear in teenagers’ dreams no matter where they live on this planet?

To what degree do cultural and environmental stimuli impact teens’ dreams?

Can the study of dreams develop a stronger sense of security and identity in our youth?


1) Identify at least two common symbols and actions that appear in teens’ dreams.

2) Compare and contrast how environmental and media exposure affects the images and emotion of teens’ dreams.

3) Describe positive changes within teens self esteem because of dream study.

Get up and act

There is a saying that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” I wonder how many words it would take to describe a motion picture?

During dreaming, the dreamer receives images from the subconscious mind, which are recalled and interpreted by the conscious mind. As we record our dreams first thing when we wake up, this helps us to remember the details of the dream. Sometimes as we recall the images and describe them in words we are able to understand what the dream is telling us about our consciousness, our life, and the choices we are making.

However, there are times when the dream message is a nonsensical jumble of images, reflecting stress or scattered attention in our conscious minds.

When the images are difficult for the conscious mind to interpret, it may be that there is a disconnect that has occurred in the communication between the conscious and subconscious minds. Sometimes drawing a picture or acting out the dream may help the inner and outer minds to align and produce increased clarity in the dream interpretation.

The College of Metaphysics has researched the meaning of dreams and the mechanics of the mind since 1973. With the understanding of how to harmonize the conscious outer mind and the subconscious mind, sometimes referred to as the soul, where the dream message comes from, we are able to establish a clear communication between these two divisions of the mind.

In this morning session we will break out in to small groups of five and act out each others’ dreams, aiding the dreamer to gain an objective view of what this inner message is telling them. We will do this for 30 minutes, and then we will come together as a larger group to share what has been learned.


The conscious mind communicates through words, and images or pictures are the way in which the subconscious mind communicates. Both are important. Sometimes drawing these dream images or acting out what is being experienced in the dream can help to bridge the gap between these two divisions of mind.

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