Meditating with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

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“Concentration. The capacity to refine the concentration into the meditative state is essential, for this is what brings the full awareness internally into the Self, for only by experiencing within the Self can there be the transcendence.” –SO

The Sequence of Events in Thought that Leads to Tranquil Abiding
as given by the Dalai Lama on July 22, 2008

We judge by our personal experience.
We must judge finding balance (not falling into too high/too low)

Then we can maintain equanimity.

Equanimity overcomes natural inertia.

This leads to mental suppleness.

Which produces bliss.

That maintains bliss.
to achieve Tranquil Abiding.

Tranquil Abiding is characterized by physical and mental solitude. It is modest desire, easily contented. In tranquil abiding, some can renounce conceptualization (the busy mind). Some can release attachment to body, friends, sex, and spirits so the mind is less distracted. Tranquil Abiding maintains focus; focus that is maintained through concentration.

Excerpts from the book "American Mysticism: A Christian Woman Meets the Dalai Lama" by Barbara Condron, D.D. coming in 2012

Meditating with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has a practice of receiving questions from those attending his talks. As we sit waiting for the time of his address to arrive, a woman passes out half-sheets of lined notebook paper.

“Would you like to write a question?” she asks.

I nod, receiving the sheet.

I contemplate what to write. My mind reflects on the situation between Tibet and China and some of my own recent challenges which seem small in comparison, and I write: “What is the source of your strength and endurance in the face of adversity?”

Within half an hour, His Holiness receives his second question. It is mine.

He smiles, then says with a laugh, “Good food. Good sleep. Meditation.”

It is the perfect answer in its truthfulness, its universality, and its pertinence in my life. He adds, “With these, no need for worry.”

The next four days at the Alliant Center in Madison, Wisconsin are filled with teachings, intiations, and cermonies focussing on the Bodhisattva’s way of life. Bodhisattva is a Sanskrit word describing one who embodies the essence of wisdom. The Dalai Lama teaches from two texts, one a meditation book he has written.

At one point he begins to teach about cultivating the quality of the mind. Meditation cultivates the consciousness of the Bodhisattva. “Finding balance is the purpose of meditation,” he says. He goes on to describe that balance is self correction and self correction is the result of antidote application. The concept of antidotes as taught in Buddhist texts is a manifestation of the Laws of Duality and Relativity. It particularly catches my attention because of the work we do in POWERS of TEN, and for this reason I want to share his ideas with you.

In the context of teaching the meditative frame of mind, the Dalai Lama isolates two extremes that disturb mental balance. One is mental excitation. The other is mental laxity. Mental excitation is “too high, too much vigilance.” Mental laxity is “too low, too much suffering.”

To teach balance through antidote application, His Holiness gives the antidote for these two extremes. For mental excitation, the antidote is to reflect upon the impermanence of life. As metaphysicians, we understand this to be accepting the nature of the physical – change. The antidote for mental laxity is to reflect upon the joy with life. As metaphysicians, this is the thrill of connectedness with all, the light expansion exercise.

I strive to teach the ease and usefulness of each mental state, an acceptance of its purpose for being and the inherent goodness in everything. In the Dalai Lama’s teaching what is clear is the goodness that arises because something is whole, sound, and complete. The sequence in thought that his teaching brings to mind is easy for a SOM student to follow: Self correction, one of the ingredients comprising Self respect, requires good judgement, and good judgement leads to making the right choices. Three of these are: eating healthy food, rest and rejuvenation, and meditative thinking and living.

Two days after the Tenshug ceremony, on the Natural Time New Year, a Superconscious Oracle is given at the College of Metaphyiscs in the presence
The Oracle says:

“When there is a point where those who make it (the School of Metaphysics) up – who comprise the eyes and the ears, the hands, the feet and the tongue of the locus – embody the triune nature that is creation, there wil be such a unification with universal principle that Mankind will be changed.” –Superconscious Oracle 2009

I believe the triune nature spoken of here is the capacity for creation, preservation, and purification. Good food, good sleep, and meditation form a strong foundation for these to flourish in a whole, functioning Self. This realized Self is the goal of the School of Metaphysics teachings. Once again, while in the presence of the Dalai Lama, I am filled with gratitude for the School’s course of study.
Someone asks the Oracle for suggestions to sustain connection to knowledge that is greater than intuition.

“This is experienced in superconscious awareness and beyond. Therefore, the practice of meditation would be the viable means by which this can be experienced.” –SO

I believe His Holiness would appreciate this description of Tranquil Abiding.•

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