Lectures Help Everyone Receive More
by Heather Hunt
Jonathan practiced his lecture at dinner one night before giving it so he could receive feedback on ways to perfect it. Once I heard it I was amazed at how well he had covered so much about the School of Metaphysics in only 10-15 minutes. Hearing it again when he spoke to the Buffalo Chamber of Commerce gave me a chance to see how important it was for this group of people to know how the School of Metaphysics serves its local communities and the world. His presentation was well received and a few people openly remarked about how much they appreciated our efforts.
After Jonathan’s lecture, I expressed to Dr. Barbara my gratitude for attending this lecture because it helped me truly see how the directors and teachers in every school center should be able to give a lecture on what the School of Metaphysics is, the services and teachings we provide, and how we operate—and be able to describe it in 10 to 60 minutes. It is important for us to give more captive audience lectures to chambers of commerce, Rotary Clubs, and other community/business groups so that we can serve more people and so more individuals are aware of SOM’s teachings and offerings. This form of giving can lead to more students, partnership opportunities, benefactors, lecture requests, divine friendships, intuitive reports, and many other benefits.
If you and your school center are already giving these types of lectures, keep up the good work and share your experiences with other schools and SOM World Headquarters. If not, talk to your director, teacher or lecture coordinator to see how you can take part in the creation, setup and giving of lectures. Identifying types of groups to contact can be simple, too, especially if you use the sectors of the Bagua to guide you, as Dr. Laurel brilliantly suggested at the September National Teacher’s Conference.
Remember, preparing to give a lecture, especially this type of lecture, requires practice and forethought. When we are representing the School of Metaphysics it is important for us to be at our best. Practicing and receiving constructive feedback is key to fulfilling that. Another important thing is setting a goal for the number of lectures your school will give each month or for the year. How many lectures is your school planning to offer in 2011?
What it's like to live at
the College of Metaphysics?
a report for VIBRATIONS, SOM's newsletter

Yin and Yang of College:
Expanding and Strengthening our Inner and Outer Connections
By: Emily Ashley
The campus has been buzzing with events—new sustainable living projects, The Christ Seed Cantata, Experience Life as a College Student, and community connections.
Using Music to Harmonize Self
Music gives people a common goal. It draws people together and can greatly uplift the spirit of a group. It also harmonizes the mind as meditation does. In the Christ Seed Cantata—to be held Dec. 18th on the College of Metaphysic campus—we are using our talents to share the Universal Language of Mind and the consciousness of meditation with the community.
Cantata members are learning about the value of the Christmas story in the Bible. This story, when interpreted in the Universal Language of Mind, reveals the process of our spiritual journey and how the Christ/ Buddha consciousness is born is each of us. The songs of the Cantata portray the evolution of reasoning man into spiritual man, beginning with the desire to know—this same desire that led each of us to study at SOM. The songs present the process of developing love and truth, and awakening to the quest for all of us—the quest to know Self as the creator of our reality.

The Christ Seed Cantata is preparing us for The Revelation Cantata: Christ’s Experience of God. The preparation for this musical experience will come in late spring/ early summer of 2011. Be sure to ask your teacher how you can be a part of this accelerating experience, and look for updates in future Vibrations. Dr. Barbara Condron the director of the cantatas, stimulates ways internal growth, while harmonizing the inner and outer worlds through music. As a result, your mediations will deepen, your mind will have greater acumen, and you will experience your High Self through the process of creation. You can experience your brilliance, creating peace from being a part of something greater than yourself.
Accelerating the Evolution of Humanity
This month the college students hosted an event called Experience Life as a College Student. Students from all the school centers who have received lesson six or higher, were invited to come to the College of Metaphysics to shadow a college student for four days, from November 21st-24th. This event was designed to provide SOM students from our centers with a hands-on experience of what a COM student truly does, providing an experience that is real, tangible, and raw.
Scott Hilburn and Jimmy Lolovic from Dallas, TX and Crystal Mena from Colombia, MO attended. Each of these prospective college students joined in all the scheduled activities of college life and special classes were created just for them in dreams and healing. “It was wonderful to have Crystal, Scott, and Jimmy here,” says Heather Hunt, event leader. “Each of them gave from their heart and received a wealth of information and experience in a short span of time.”
The prospective college students were provided a wholistic experience of love and truth. “I feel like this is home,” Scott Hilburn said about his experience. “I have learned in every experience and I will be returning to Dallas with much more confidence in my soul growth and evolution.”
Working on projects together, brought experiences in group accomplishment. “I fully and truly experienced the joy of communal living, the stimulating energy of farm work and the power of being fully present in the moment,” says Jimmy Lolovic.

The college students were able to give and teach what has been learned through study here, providing a unique assimilation experience. I had the privilege of mentoring Crystal. I was very grateful for I learned a lot about myself as a teacher. I realized how much better I am at caring first about the student, getting to know them and asking questions and then teaching from what I have received. I experienced an ease with Crystal and a deepening of friendship through giving and receiving.
…And They Were Known Throughout the Land
On December 1st, graduate teacher Jonathan Duerbeck, (with college student Heather Hunt assisting) was featured guest at went to the Buffalo Chamber of Commerce’s monthly luncheon meeting. Jonathan gave a 10-minute presentation about the School of Metaphysics, who we are, what we do, and how we influence the Buffalo area.
“As a school we teach individuals to be responsible for themselves and to others, which is necessary for a healthy community both locally and globally, and this begins by first being responsible for our thoughts,” says Jonathan. “We want the Chamber of Commerce to know the positive influence we have on our community through our efforts such as the Universal Hour of Peace and through our writings that we print, publish and send out to the entire world.” (See sidebar at left)
“I was delighted to assist Jonathan at this lecture,” says Heather. “Shortly after becoming a student at the College of Metaphysics, I noticed that other college students were asked to assist with lectures at high schools and libraries. When my opportunity came, I was thrilled to see my alignment with Universal Law. For example, when I worked for the Federal Reserve, I gave presentations mostly to professional organizations and high school classes, about the role of the Federal Reserve. It is my intention to capitalize on that experience.
“While I was still directing Dallas SOM I held an image in my mind of giving more lectures to professional groups, such as chambers of commerce, rotary clubs, etc. My enthusiasm rose as I listened to Jonathan give excellent examples of how SOM serves the community and the world. Jonathan does a wonderful job relating to his audience and speaking with clear, poignant images. I am grateful for the learning I get to receive from him and other grad teachers while being college student because I know how much it will aid me in teaching and directing school centers.”
Sustainable Living
In preparation for the Great World House, the new Headquarters building coming in 2012, we are experimenting and providing our campus with new sustainable energy supplies. One of three units of state-of-the-art passive solar water heaters has been installed on campus. This is the first and vital step towards creating a sustainable community here. These heaters reduce energy costs and dependency on outside energy resources allowing us to reach our goal of becoming self-sustaining.

Craig Wiles from Preferred Energy came this month to teach us how to install these heaters. Brian Kraichely, through a wonderful Law of Attraction moment, met him at Lowe’s while getting supplies in Lebanon. (See last month’s article for this complete story). “I have read and studied about these resources for years,” says Brian. “There was satisfaction today from learning to install the heaters, and moving from just information to experience—becoming a knower.” Allan Rider, teacher from the Columbia school and COM graduate, traveled here to learn the installation process as well. He is one of many who have dreamed of the college having these types of resources and is thrilled to be fulfilling this dream.

Also, in the spirit of moving toward the Great World House, the first ever Earthship is being built on campus. Since we want more experience with building sustainable living houses, we are applying this toward a new Chicken house. The Earthship style of building uses one ground wall and three walls made from an estimated 500 recycled tires with dirt packed into the tires. This provides a cool atmosphere in the summer and warmth in the winter. Everyone, including you, is invited to come to the college to help build this building. “Here we can all learn about Universal Laws in action, including the Laws of Prosperity and Abundance by using recyclable materials,” says Laurie Biswell, project leader.
You may want to include this in your trip third weekend of December. We look forward to creating with you and forging deeper friendships.
Relaxing into Truth
Thanksgiving kicked off the Intuitive Reports Transcribathon we hosted this year. Students from six schools helped transcribe 80 reports during the weekend. “There was always one person that was transcribing during the weekend,” Walter Hrycaj, Intuitive Reports Coordinator explains.
“During the weekend, I experienced the truth that concentration is relaxing. Having the focus of the reports, produced a learning, growth-filled environment and as a result, relaxation permeated the space.”
Transcribing is a wonderful learning opportunity for students. “There are so many benefits to transcribing!” Karen Mosby, graduate teacher, very enthusiastically describes. “The reports offer universal answers to questions, experiences of going into mind through the practice of undivided attention and concentration, the ability to further develop intuition, and understanding of how thought processes create karma, to name a few.”
Transcribathons strengthen your school by accelerating learning potential. Be sure to ask your teacher how you can be involved in this process and expect your learning to soar higher than you’ve ever imagined!

Let your Bookstore Sing!
We now have a new addition to our SOM bookstores—Dreamtime: Parables of Universal Law while Down Under edited by Dr. Barbara Condron is now available. This book is a compilation of parables brought back and told byte Australian delegation to Melbourne, for the Parliament of the World’s Religion December of 2009. This book gives real life examples of the 13 Universal Laws, along with heartfelt stories that will inspire you. This book is also sure to educate those of you thirsty to understand how to live in harmony with Universal Law. • (Vol. 41, No. 1)