I grew up on a farm in Northwest Missouri. The house on that farm had been built by my great, great grandfather. It was heated by two wood stoves. It was a natural way of warming our home. My father, my brother and I cut the wood from the dead trees on the land. I also planted fruit and pine trees on that land. So from those humble beginnings I carried with me the experience and dream of a natural, fruitful, productive world.
While in college I majored in Agricultural Economics. I received a Bachelors of Science and Masters of Science in Agricultural Economics from the University of Missouri.
Since living at the College of Metaphysics and the World Headquarters I have taught the students how to plant an orchard of over 100 fruit trees and 3 large gardens. Both the orchard and the gardens are organic.
While searching for a way to fertilize all the pasture-grassland of this 1500-acre campus, information about Biodynamics kept coming to me. Biodynamic preparations, when stirred into water in a circular vessel such as a barrel become potenized. Then we spray this mixture on our fields with a tractor sprayer. This preparation spray stimulates the growth of microorganisms, thus improving and building up the soil while at the same time encouraging the growth of plant life.
With these Biodynamic preparations we are able to spray over 200 acres of land with this potenized mixture. Thereby, each year our land gets healthier. Chemical fertilizers kill the fishing worms and other microorganism in the soil effectively reducing its productivity each year. Whereas, organic and Biodynamic agriculture actually improves the health of the soil each year.
Each year we put tons of organize, composted manure fertilizer onto our garden. The students thereby learn how to improve and add to what already is present in the garden soil. This is a universal lesson. Adulthood of reasoning is producing more than you consume and adding to your learning and the life around you each and every day.
In this way the students are taught to:
1. Improve and build up the soil.
2. Then the students grow garden vegetable plants from seeds in flats.
3. Next students transplant these young plants into the garden.
4. The students weed, water, and nourish the plants.
5. The students pick the vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, sweet corn, cucumbers, kale, spinach, Swiss chard, lettuce, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beets, cabbage, parsnips, pumpkins, leeks, onions, watermelons, cantaloupes, squash, etc.
6. The students learn how to prepare and serve the vegetables; some are eaten raw and fresh. Some are cooked in various delicious ways.
7. When the students pick a vegetable for the first time, we serve it at the table raw the first time in order that each student can know its natural goodness and nutrition.
8. Food scraps are either given to the livestock or composted in the garden to produce more rich humus and soil.
In these ways we improve and add to the productive energy of the campus every year.
The Peace Dome, on the Campus of the College of Metaphysics, is designed to be very energy efficient. In the middle of the eight-inch thick steel reinforced concrete walls is a layer of spray foam insulation. Thus, in hot weather the Peace Dome stays cool. In cold weather the Peace Done stays warmer than the outside temperature. Augmenting this energy conservation is a solar heating system located on the south side of the building.
The floor of the entry way on the south side of the inside of the Peace Dome is made of slate tile. The south wall is made of glass windows. The sun shines through these windows in the fall and winter. The sunlight touches the gray and brown slate tile and warms them. These warm tiles in turn heat the Peace Dome.
During the time that we were without electricity for 12 days, tropical plants remained in the Peace Dome. While other buildings of standard construction got cold and had their water pipes burst, the Peace Dome remained warm enough for these plants to not only survive but also thrive. And we did not drain the pipes in the Peace Dome and they did not freeze.
We would like to build more energy efficient buildings on campus that also use alternative energy.
In regards to alternative energy, the School of Metaphysics has developed a new step of alternative energy here at the College of Metaphysics. After meditating for 30 years I have developed a great sensitivity to energies of all kinds. As I would walk around this land of the College of Metaphysics, I would perceive and feel areas that were power centers or places on campus where energy and power were very strong. I realized these were sacred sites.
In ancient times, the ancients built their sacred temples of learning on these powerful energy centers. Thus, their temples were empowered by this sacred energy.
I discovered that these sacred sites were located at the intersections of ley lines. Ley lines are the energy meridians of the planet Earth. Mother Earth is a living, breathing being. Therefore, the Earth has energy meridians called ley lines just as our physical bodes have energy meridians. It is these energy meridians that are treated during an acupuncture treatment.
Next, I designed specific geometric structures utilizing the platonic solids to plant at these intersections of the ley lines. One of the teachers in the School of Metaphysics had learned dowsing. Another helped with the construction.
I decided to construct the geometric forms out of copper tubing, as copper is a conductor of electricity. At sacred ceremonies we planted the first octahedron. I was asked by a student, “What is this science called?” I replied, “Earth Sky science!”
We planted several octahedrons at several different sites. One half in the ground pointed down to Mother Earth. The other half pointing up to Father Sky.
A dodecahedron was planted on the site where at least 3 lay lines intersect. An icosahedron was planted on the site where energy comes into the Earth on campus. This is also the intersection of many ley lines. Now these engines, these machines are working night and day to heal Mother Earth and to energize the campus of the College of Metaphysics. This is causing the College of Metaphysics campus to become a great and powerful sacred site for the entire planet.
Already the auric field has grown and expanded to over 10 miles past the campus. Visitors and students can now feel this energy field from miles away as they are approaching this sacred site, the College of Metaphysics Campus.
Would you be so kind as to donate to this great and noble project? Donations of money, land, property, equipment, wills and trusts would all be appreciated and used for this great endeavor of the brightening and healing of Mother Earth and all its inhabitants. ∆