Parables of Universal Law
while Down Under

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Thirteen Universal Laws

Dozens of Contemporary Parables

told by those who made the pilgrimage DownUnder

and returned with Truths from around the world!

I knew the story of the Australian delegation was worth the telling, even before it transpired.

We were sixteen Americans, the youngest turned 3 on the trip, the oldest, 63 the day we departed. One person was born in Japan, another an emigre from Belarus. A MBA, a Montessori-trained teacher, a mother of two, a president of the 501(c)(3) educational organization which brought us together.

How the experiences in the land down under would impact our lives was a story yet to be lived. With complete conviction, I knew the trip would have a profound impact on each of us. I knew this intuitively, on spiritual levels that for most remain unseen. I also knew, if any group of people could reveal the hidden wisdom in life experience, it would be these.

From being airborne for over 15 hours to meeting hundreds of the world’s citizens, all we needed was to receive Melbourne, its people and its Parliament of the World’s Religions and we would change.

So it came to pass.

-from the introduction by Editor Dr. Barbara Condron


I AM told by Dr. Daniel R. Condron

Parable 1 told by Erin Collins
Parable 2 told by Dr. Sheila Benjamin
Parable 3 told by The INVITATION cast

I Value the Aggressive & Receptive
Parable 1 told & photographed by Elena Dubinski
Parable 2 told by Dr. Sheila Benjamin

I Discipline My Mind
Parable 1 told by Dr. Pam Blosser
Parable 2 told by Jesse Aaron Kern

I Am Open and Loving told by Tad Messenger

I Expand my Consciousness told by Dr. Christine Madar

I Am Connected with All told by Dr. Laurel Clark

I Learn in Every Activity
Parable 1 told by Jesse Loren Reece
Parable 2 told by Laurie J. Biswell

The Permanent and Lasting is Most Important
told by B. Condron

I Add to my Understanding Every Day
Parable 1 told by Paul Madar
Parable 2 told by Christine Madar
Parable 3 told by Sheila Benjamin

I Receive the Wealth from the Universe
told by Hezekiah Condron

I Create Plenty for Everyone
told by Barbara Condron

I Am Committed to Becoming Fully Enlightened
told by B. Condron

From DREAMTIME - Parables of Universal Law from Down Under

Order the perfect bound version Now

From Receiving the Inner Urge by Dr. Laurel Clark

Later that day, after the Dalai Lama spoke at the plenary, the woman who had asked about a dream came up to me and asked, “Can I ask about a dream of my husband’s? He has this recurring dream.” She made a point of finding me in a crowd of thousands.
I really appreciate what you’ve been teaching recently about the order of concentration and meditation and then visualization because what I realize is that is how I’ve led my life. I didn’t go to college with a goal about my career. I expected that somehow by being in college I would find out what I was supposed to do and at that stage in my life I didn’t really have a concept of it. I actually learned how to meditate for the first time while I was in college before I became a student in the School of Metaphysics.
I have a very firm memory as a child being in kindergarten having an experience in school which was really troubling. There were some kids who were laughing, ridiculing a boy because he wanted to play with a dollhouse. I felt bad for him, and I wanted to help him. I remember lying in bed at night and thanking God that I was a girl and I didn’t have to deal with that.
Then, after I had that thought that arose from within me, I had this brain thought, “Wait a minute, you don’t even believe in God!”
I wasn’t raised with a religion, so that experience was very profound because it was a direct experience of listening first. The exercises in the School of Metaphysics have helped me to not only understand that process but to have control of it. To know what to listen to. I feel it’s saved my life in a lot of ways. Learning how to know what it is that I’m even listening to, whether its an inner voice I’m listening to or if it’s brain chatter, or if it’s somebody else’s thoughts.
Over a period of time before I became a student at the School of Metaphysics, I just probably would have thought I was psychotic because I heard voices in my head. What I know now is that sometimes it’s all of those. Learning how to concentrate, to cause my outer mind to be still, has enabled me to be aware of what I need to listen to. That has enabled me to know what to do with that inner voice which has always happened in my life in response to what it is that I’m trying to do.

-from Chapter 12 of DREAMTIME

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